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Mama Bear Blanket Project: Welcome





LGBTQ+ students in schools with fully inclusive anti-bullying policies in place are less likely to experience harassment and more likely to advocate for themselves if they do. 

An effective anti-bullying policy will state that all bullying incidents are to be reported and hold staff responsible to intervene and stop all forms of bullying and harrassment.

Often the first step to preventing bullying is making sure that students, teachers, and administrators are well informed and educated about bullying. Tools like the Human Rights Welcoming Schools Program, and the GroundSpark Respect for All Project can help.

Know about your obligations under your state’s anti-bullying laws and learn about federal laws that require schools to address harassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, and disabilities. Work to establish rules and policies to inform the entire school community the expectations around bullying and the procedures to report and investigate bullying when it happens.

More Safer School Resources

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